Successfulresults with Project Portfolio Management

Project Portfolio Management is about balancing resources and managing dependencies to ensure the successful execution of projects accordingly.
How are our projects connected? Are we meeting business objectives? How should we prioritize to optimize returns? Can we ensure the right resources are available?

Keep Track of Business Objectives

Good portfolio management bridges the gap between strategy and implementation. With Objectives and Key Results, you can ensure strategic alignment between your organization's business objectives and the projects and portfolios.
You can measure your ideas against OKRs and then include them in your roadmap.

In Power PPM, you can:
- Define OKRs
- Assign ownership
- Monitor progress and flag risks
- Evaluate portfolios, initiatives, and projects against your OKRs

Collect and Evaluate Ideas

Collecting and scoring ideas is essential for a structured evaluation process.
Rank your ideas according to criteria that make sense for your organization, such as:  
- strategic alignment
- feasibility
- cost-benefit analysis
- impact.

Identify and Manage Risks

Every project carries a risk.
Identifying risk is an important step in project success. It allows you to create plans for mitigation. Effective risk management includes the ongoing monitoring of the risk with well-defined parameters for what it takes to move the risk from potential to actual.

In Power PPM, you can:
- use AI to generate risks
- define your scoring parameters
- customize risk overview
- update and manage risks

Track Portfolio Progress

Tracking Portfolio Progress is essential in knowing if projects are on track or require action.

In Power PPM, you can connect multiple sources, giving people the freedom to work where it makes sense while still getting the full picture on a portfolio level.

For example, you can keep collaboration in Microsoft Teams, where they can update progress on all work items, such as tasks and risks, while the project manager can stay on top from within Power PPM. This approach ensures the best role-based user experience.
"Great reporting makes all the difference"

Data-driven decision-making with advanced reporting

Data provides bigger, clearer patterns than what one person or a team can analyze and extract from the organization. Historical data, along with AI, can provide insights and intelligence so you can learn from the past and prepare for the future.

Power PPM connected to the Power Hub advances your reporting by providing:
- Real-time reporting and direct querying
- Snapshots from any point in time
- The ability to restore deleted or lost data
- A self-maintaining data structure that updates when new fields or properties are added in your PPM solution

Manage your finances on all PPM levels

Financial management involves aligning budgets with strategic objectives - and keeping track of the actual spend.
With Power PPM, you can:
- Monitor finances
- Configure the financial grids
- Create reporting according to your needs
- Compare budgets, e.g. over time or projected vs. actuals
- Roll up or drill down into data
“Power PPM ensures a unified portfolio overview and simple access to company-wide portfolio reporting – in a modern wrapping and utilizing the best of the Microsoft platform”
“We are looking forward to getting an even better data quality surrounding our initiatives, as well as benefit-tracking, and then use it to aggregate it to portfolio level. This will give us an even better foundation for decision making.”
“Power ppm really is an amazing tool that provides an overview at any given time. The different ways of sorting, filtering, and making your own columns help a lot when we’re going through project statuses at team meetings”
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