portfolio simulation
with what if.

Balance and prioritize your portfolios according to resources, strategy, or finances with What If Simulation.

Balance your portfolios for effective decision-making

Balance your portfolios and get immediate insights into the effects on finance and the strategical distribution.

Get a resource heatmap that shows you the consequences of running projects to manage your resources and avoid bottlenecks.

Let What If select the best projects or initiatives to run according to the parameters you set.

Key features

Create scenarios with real data

Create as many scenarios as you want with your data. What If creates a copy that allows you to play and experiment on your running portfolios, projects, ideas, and initiatives – without messing with your real data.

Rank, sort, and select your projects

Create your scenario, set a timeline and budget for your scenario, and choose either a single portfolio or run the scenario across all portfolios. Choose which metrics you want to evaluate your scenario on and select or deselect projects to see the effect.

Responsive dashboard

With the responsive dashboard, you can easily work with your portfolio. Select and de-select or drag and drop projects to a later point in time and see the immediate effects on either strategy, finances, or resources.

Automatic selection & ranking

Select a metric, like rank, benefits, or strategic driver, and let What If select a good balance for you. If there’s something left out that you would like to keep, simply select ’must run’, and your projects will be included in the selection.

Resource Heatmap

See a resource heatmap and drill into bottlenecks to find the associated resources and projects. Manipulate the timeline to get rid of the bottlenecks.

Learn how Nordea uses Projectum's products

Working smarter through better PPM capabilities and timesheeting. When Projectum first met Nordea, the challenge presented was that their PPM solution for Time reporting and PPM matters was costly in software licenses, lacking user-friendliness and integration capabilities.
"Power PPM is a great tool letting us manage the entire lifecycle of projects in our company"
- IT Manager - Healthcare and Biotech


What is Portfolio Simulation and how does it benefit my organization?
How do I get started with portfolio simulation and what scenarios can I simulate?
What levels of customization are possible and can What If be tailored to my organization?
How accurate are portfolio simulations?

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