
Microsoft Power PPM and the Microsoft Platform at Vattenfall Services Nordic AB

About Vattenfall

Vattenfall is a European energy company with approximately 20,000 employees. For more than 100 years Vattenfall has electrified industries, supplied energy to people’s homes, and modernized ways of living through innovation and cooperation.

At the same time, Vattenfall is committed to enabling fossil-free living within one generation. Together with partners, Vattenfall is taking on the responsibility to find new and sustainable ways to electrify transportation, industries, and heating.

Vattenfall Services is a subsidiary company within the Vattenfall Group

Essentially delivering services and projects. The company needed a good overview connected to Project and Portfolio Management best practices.

Therefore, the PMO at Vattenfall Services set out to find a holistic and user-friendly solution for Work, Project & Portfolio Management matters. Having had experiences with both Microsoft Project Online, Microsoft Project for the Web – as well as Microsoft Power BI for portfolio reporting – the PMO saw great potential in the Microsoft Power Platform and Power PPM from Projectum.

Berndt Larsson
Manager Common Function at Vattenfall Services Nordic AB
“Power PPM ensures a unified Portfolio Overview and simple access to company-wide portfolio reporting – in a modern wrapping and utilizing the best of the Microsoft platform.”

Introducing Power PPM

With the Microsoft Platform already being used extensively for modern work and collaboration, a model-driven Microsoft Power App was the logical next step to explore. Together with the long-time Microsoft Partner Projectum, Vattenfall Services chose Power PPM for future Project & Portfolio best practices. Power PPM is built with integration to Azure DevOps, Microsoft Project for the web, and other Work Management Tools, as well as relying extensively on Microsoft Power BI for project and portfolio reports and interactive dashboards.

Delivering advanced Portfolio functionality

A key requirement for the Vattenfall Services PMO was to arrive at a solution, which could eventually create a cross-company Portfolio overview, based on an enhanced user experience, as well as being able to deliver on advanced requirements facilitated by Dataverse technology and the Dynamics 365 platform.

Based on Power PPM and modern Microsoft Work Management tools, this was achieved. Because of the underlying Dataverse engine, the solution showed a fast performance and responsiveness. Further, the solution showed the right “project portal” experience, and created the foundation for getting a Portfolio Overview, Program Execution, PPM Insights as well as basic Project Planning.

“Power PPM ensures a unified Portfolio Overview and a simple access to company-wide portfolio reporting – in a modern wrapping and utilizing the best of the Microsoft platform”.

Berndt Larsson, Manager Common Function at Vattenfall Services Nordic AB

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