Wave 3: Product news from Projectum

Press & News
Mathilde Hoeg
Digital Communications Manager

The Projectum Wave 3 introduces several key enhancements and features designed to optimize workflow, improve user experience, and provide greater flexibility for project and resource management.

Power PPM

Power PPM is your end-to-end strategic PMO solution, built on the Microsoft Power Platform. Power PPM is designed to give organizations an overview of their initiatives, programs, and portfolios, as well as handle risk management, stakeholder engagement, financials, and more.

  • Kanban board: improved business rules and governance, making it easier to govern and streamline workflows. Project managers now have better control over task progression, such as implementing a stage/gate process or customizing governance protocols
  • Improved UX: Smoother user experience for the AI component in forms.

Preview features

  • Prioritization and ranking: You can now prioritize and rank projects across portfolios based on strategic importance, resource availability, or financial impact to identify high-priority projects and ensure alignment between strategy and project pipeline.
  • Custom Styling and Legends: Easy styling on roadmaps and tasks with improved customization options. Legends provide clear color explanations for users.
  • Resource Management on Gantt Schedules: You can manage cost resources directly from the Gantt schedules to gain insights into resource allocation and cost planning, ensuring projects stay on budget and on track.
  • Closer integration to Team Planner: You can now request generic resources straight from Power Gantt, and any work allocated by a Line Manager in Team Planner will be immediately visible in Power PPM.

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Team Planner

Team Planner is your efficient resource demand management solution that provides a clear overview and actionable insights into resource allocation.

New features:

  • Global Planner views: you can now tailor a specific organization view with different filters
  • General notifications: there is now the possibility to send push notifications to keep you informed on your product news. We’ll also send a warning to the system administrator when the Client Secret is about to expire.
  • Easier lookups: improved search capabilities
  • Highlight category resource: It’s easier to identify where a category resource has been allocated on project or contract level
  • Modern Entra Permission Groups: A smoother way of enabling permission as well as support for multiple Entra groups for one permission group in Team Planner
  • Email notification for Line Managers: Receive email notifications which look at important parameters in the coming months, such as pending requests and under-allocator or over-allocated resources.

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Time for Teams

Time for Teams is the user-friendly time-registering solution that integrates with your Microsoft Team Platform. With good time registration software you can create reports and get insights into work patterns.

In this wave, we’ve updated

  • Simpler native integration to Microsoft Dataverse
  • Modern Entra Synchronization: Better management of Entra groups and permissions.

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What If

What If is our Portfolio simulation tool that allows you to balance portfolios according to budget, strategy, and resources.

  • Edit directly in the grid: you can now edit selected columns within a scenario, such as changing the rank or priority of a project. In the configuration, the administrator can choose which columns.
  • Include active projects from other portfolios in your simulations on a resource level to get a more accurate view of your actual capacity
  • Move individual milestones and compare them to the information about their original placement.
  • More viewing options: view your simulations by year, quarter, or month.

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Power Hub

Power Hub is a data platform designed for enterprise analytics. It sets you up for reporting, advanced analytics, snapshots, and historical trends. It's unique because it lets you generate a snapshot of your data from any current or past point in time.

  • Sync multiple Entra Groups: Power Hub Resource sync now supports both embedded and multiple Entra groups to be synced to Power PPM.
  • Option to force a full sync of Dataverse sources to resolve potential data discrepancies
  • Configure reporting views to ensure you have the exact ones you need
  • Codebase upgraded to the newest version

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Mathilde Hoeg
Digital Communications Manager

With a background in IT and Project Management, the one thing that really stuck is her love for communication. She helps tell the Projectum story, sharing how our products can improve processes in your organization. Certified OKR-practitioner.

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